Export secrets as environment variables with Vault Agent
Consul Template and Envconsul tools have been widely used by the Vault practitioners to help integrate Vault in their existing solutions. Vault 1.3.0 introduced the Vault Agent Template feature which provides the workflow that Consul Template provides.
Vault 1.14 introduced the process supervisor mode to retrieve secrets from Vault as environment variables using Consul Template markup.
To complete this tutorial, you will need:
- Vault binary version 1.14.0 or later
Lab setup
Open a terminal and start a Vault dev server with
as the root token.$ vault server -dev -dev-root-token-id root
The Vault dev server defaults to running at
. The server is also initialized and unsealed.Insecure operation: Do not run a Vault dev server in production. This approach is only used here to simplify the unsealing process for this demonstration.
Export an environment variable for the
CLI to address the Vault server.$ export VAULT_ADDR=
Log into Vault.
$ vault login rootSuccess! You are now authenticated. The token information displayed belowis already stored in the token helper. You do NOT need to run "vault login"again. Future Vault requests will automatically use this token.Key Value--- -----token roottoken_accessor 9v9YS37o8lvXELvEQY6NqTtVtoken_duration ∞token_renewable falsetoken_policies ["root"]identity_policies []policies ["root"]
Vault server is ready and the token value (
) is stored in the$HOME/.vault-token
Setup test secrets
In your terminal, clone the learn-vault-agent-envconsul repository which contains the example configuration used in this tutorial.
$ git clone https://github.com/hashicorp-education/learn-vault-agent-envconsul
You can explore this repository by changing directories.
$ cd learn-vault-agent-envconsul
The folder includes the following files:
.├── README.md├── kv-demo.sh├── pki-agent-config.hcl├── pki-demo.sh└── setup-secrets.sh0 directories, 5 files
Run the
script. This script enables kv-v2 secrets engine atweb-team/
paths and creates initial test data. Also, it configures PKI secrets engine to generate certificate which you will leverage in later section.$ ./setup-secrets.sh
Read the secrets created at
.$ vault kv get -mount=web-team api-keys===== Secret Path =====web-team/data/api-keys======= Metadata =======Key Value--- -----created_time 2023-06-13T21:05:24.965199Zcustom_metadata <nil>deletion_time n/adestroyed falseversion 1==== Data ====Key Value--- -----key1 4984h33sdkey2 o48r3eqf
Read the secrets created at
.$ vault kv get -mount=dev-app creds=== Secret Path ===dev-app/data/creds======= Metadata =======Key Value--- -----created_time 2023-06-13T21:05:25.042033Zcustom_metadata <nil>deletion_time n/adestroyed falseversion 1====== Data ======Key Value--- -----password my-long-passworduser tester1
Read the secrets created at
.$ vault kv get -mount=dev-app creds/database/db-admin============ Secret Path ============dev-app/data/creds/database/db-admin======= Metadata =======Key Value--- -----created_time 2023-06-13T21:05:25.10932Zcustom_metadata <nil>deletion_time n/adestroyed falseversion 1====== Data ======Key Value--- -----password o3ir23irusername admin
Generate a Vault Agent config file
Vault Agent introduced the generate-config subcommand to auto generate the agent configuration file based on the user input.
$ vault agent generate-config [options] <path_to_config>
Option | Description |
-type | Currently, env-template is the only supported type of agent configuration |
-exec | Pass the command to execute in agent process. The default is env |
-path | Path to a kv-v1 or kv-v2 secret. Multiple paths and tail '*' wildcards are allowed. |
Run the generate-config subcommand
Generates a Vault Agent configuration file named agent-config.hcl
at the
current working directory. If your application needs to pull secrets from
multiple paths, you can provide multiple -path
options as well as the
wildcards (*
Generate a Vault Agent configuration file named
. Pass thekv-demo.sh
as the command to execute.$ vault agent generate-config -type="env-template" \ -exec="./kv-demo.sh" \ -path="web-team/api-keys" \ -path="dev-app/*" \ agent-config.hcl
Successfully generated "agent-config.hcl" configuration file!Warning: the generated file uses 'token_file' authentication method, which isnot suitable for production environments.
In the absence of the output file name, the command will generate a configuration file named
.Open the generated configuration file with your preferred text editor to examine.
auto_auth { method { type = "token_file" config { token_file_path = "/Users/username/.vault-token" } }}template_config { static_secret_render_interval = "5m" exit_on_retry_failure = true}vault { address = ""}env_template "API_KEYS_KEY1" { contents = "{{ with secret \"web-team/data/api-keys\" }}{{ .Data.data.key1 }}{{ end }}" error_on_missing_key = true}env_template "API_KEYS_KEY2" { contents = "{{ with secret \"web-team/data/api-keys\" }}{{ .Data.data.key2 }}{{ end }}" error_on_missing_key = true}env_template "CREDS_PASSWORD" { contents = "{{ with secret \"dev-app/data/creds\" }}{{ .Data.data.password }}{{ end }}" error_on_missing_key = true}env_template "CREDS_USER" { contents = "{{ with secret \"dev-app/data/creds\" }}{{ .Data.data.user }}{{ end }}" error_on_missing_key = true}env_template "DB_ADMIN_PASSWORD" { contents = "{{ with secret \"dev-app/data/creds/database/db-admin\" }}{{ .Data.data.password }}{{ end }}" error_on_missing_key = true}env_template "DB_ADMIN_USERNAME" { contents = "{{ with secret \"dev-app/data/creds/database/db-admin\" }}{{ .Data.data.username }}{{ end }}" error_on_missing_key = true}exec { command = ["./kv-demo.sh"] restart_on_secret_changes = "always" restart_stop_signal = "SIGTERM"}
stanza is usingtoken_file
as a placeholder. You can change the stanza to use desired auth method. See the following tutorials for other auto auth examples:- Vault Agent with AWS demonstrates AWS auth method
- Vault Agent with Kubernetes demonstrates Kubernetes auth method
Process supervisor mode
Each generated env_template
block maps to a secret key of a KV path that you
passed in the command.
The exec
block sets the kv-demo.sh
script as the commands that Vault Agent
to execute.
Open and examine the kv-demo.sh
file. It reads secrets as environment
This application does not need to know about Vault.
Start a Vault Agent
Start a Vault Agent instance that connects to the Vault server running at
Start a Vault Agent.
$ vault agent -config=agent-config.hcl -log-level=error
Example output:
==> Vault Agent started! Log data will stream in below:==> Vault Agent configuration: Api Address 1: http://bufconn Cgo: disabled Log Level: error Version: Vault v1.14.0-rc1, built 2023-06-06T18:12:53Z Version Sha: 1327dc6728853611f62708e28dbac3ce6cabad1a==== KV DEMO APP ====API_KEYS_KEY1 = 4984h33sdAPI_KEYS_KEY2 = o48r3eqfCREDS_USER = tester1CREDS_PASSWORD = my-long-passwordDB_ADMIN_USERNAME = adminDB_ADMIN_PASSWORD = o3ir23ir
Restarts on secrets change
The secret values could change while your application is running. Examine the behavior when the secret values change.
sleep 100
in thekv-demo.sh
to mock a long running application.kv-demo.sh
Edit the
file to set thestatic_secret_render_interval
to 10 seconds for the purpose of demonstration. This makes Vault Agent to pull the secrets every 10 seconds.agent-config.hcl
auto_auth { method { type = "token_file" config { token_file_path = "/Users/username/.vault-token" } }}template_config { static_secret_render_interval = "10s" exit_on_retry_failure = true}vault { address = "$VAULT_ADDR"}...snip...
Start the Vault Agent again.
$ vault agent -config=agent-config.hcl -log-level=error==> Vault Agent started! Log data will stream in below:==> Vault Agent configuration: Api Address 1: http://bufconn Cgo: disabled Log Level: error Version: Vault v1.14.0-rc1, built 2023-06-06T18:12:53Z Version Sha: 1327dc6728853611f62708e28dbac3ce6cabad1a==== KV DEMO APP ====API_KEYS_KEY1 = 4984h33sdAPI_KEYS_KEY2 = o48r3eqfCREDS_USER = tester1CREDS_PASSWORD = my-long-passwordDB_ADMIN_USERNAME = adminDB_ADMIN_PASSWORD = o3ir23ir
Open another terminal, and connect to the target Vault server.
Refer back to the Lab setup section.
Set the
environment variable.$ export VAULT_ADDR=
Authenticate with Vault.
$ vault login root
Update the secret values at
.$ vault kv put web-team/api-keys \ key1="new-key-value-1" \ key2="new-key-value-2"
Return to the terminal where Vault Agent is running and watch the output.
==> Vault Agent started! Log data will stream in below:==> Vault Agent configuration: Api Address 1: http://bufconn Cgo: disabled Log Level: error Version: Vault v1.14.0-rc1, built 2023-06-06T18:12:53Z Version Sha: 1327dc6728853611f62708e28dbac3ce6cabad1a==== KV DEMO APP ====API_KEYS_KEY1 = 4984h33sdAPI_KEYS_KEY2 = o48r3eqfCREDS_USER = tester1CREDS_PASSWORD = my-long-passwordDB_ADMIN_USERNAME = adminDB_ADMIN_PASSWORD = o3ir23ir==== KV DEMO APP ====API_KEYS_KEY1 = new-key-value-1API_KEYS_KEY2 = new-key-value-2CREDS_USER = tester1CREDS_PASSWORD = my-long-passwordDB_ADMIN_USERNAME = adminDB_ADMIN_PASSWORD = o3ir23ir
Press Ctrl + C to stop the running Vault Agent.
Work with dynamic secrets
Currently, the generate-config subcommand only supports kv-v1 and kv-v2 secrets
engines; however, the Vault Agent's process supervisor
mode supports dynamic
secrets that Envconsul supports today. The difference is that you would have to
manually define the env_template
script configured the PKI secrets engine and it is ready to serve.$ vault secrets list
Example output:
Path Type Accessor Description---- ---- -------- -----------cubbyhole/ cubbyhole cubbyhole_595f8b0f per-token private secret storagedev-app/ kv kv_f16c3aac n/aidentity/ identity identity_cd1c4e99 identity storepki/ pki pki_ca9e7398 n/apki_int/ pki pki_331d3c63 n/asecret/ kv kv_1bb31236 key/value secret storagesys/ system system_a6bb36e2 system endpoints used for control, policy and debuggingweb-team/ kv kv_c5dd184d n/a
(Optional) Request a certificate.
$ vault write -field=certificate pki_int/issue/example-dot-com \ common_name="test.example.com" ttl="24h"
Example output:
-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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-----END CERTIFICATE-----
Open the
to examine theenv_template
block it defines.pki-agent-config.hcl
env_template "CERT" { contents = "{{ with pkiCert \"pki_int/issue/example-dot-com\" \"common_name=test.example.com\" \"ttl=24h\"}}{{ .Data.Cert }}{{ end }}" error_on_missing_key = true}exec { command = ["./pki-demo.sh"] restart_on_secret_changes = "always" restart_stop_signal = "SIGTERM"}
Open the
file to review.#!/bin/shechoecho "==== CERT DEMO APP ===="echo "CERT = ${CERT}"
This mock application gets certificate stored in the CERT environment variable. Similar to the
, this application does not need to know anything about Vault.Run a Vault Agent with additional
definition.$ vault agent -config=agent-config.hcl \ -config=pki-agent-config.hcl \ -log-level=error
Example output:
==> Vault Agent started! Log data will stream in below:==> Vault Agent configuration: Api Address 1: http://bufconn Cgo: disabled Log Level: error Version: Vault v1.14.0-rc1, built 2023-06-06T18:12:53Z Version Sha: 1327dc6728853611f62708e28dbac3ce6cabad1a==== CERT DEMO APP ====CERT = -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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-----END CERTIFICATE-----
Similar to what you observed in the restarts on secrets change section, if the certificate expires and the application is still running, Vault Agent can fetch a new certificate.
Clean up
Press Ctrl + C to stop the running Vault Agent.
You can stop the Vault dev server by pressing Ctrl+C where the server is running. Or, execute the following command.
$ pgrep -f vault | xargs kill
Unset the
environment variable.$ unset VAULT_ADDR
You learned the use of the generate-config subcommand and the process supervisor mode to take advantage of secrets presented as environment variables.
Vault Agent can handle the authentication and secrets retrieval so that your application can remain Vault unaware. This reduces the barrier to adopting Vault and keep your applications secure.
There are several tutorials demonstrates the use of Vault Agent. See the available Vault Agent tutorials.